To play may seem silly in essence; but it is through play that a child learns.
Implemented by:
Sirkhane Social Circus School helps restore confidence in refugee youth by teaching circus tricks in Mardin. Our mission is to provide safe, friendly and embracing environment for children, who are effected by conflicts. Replace their damaged childhood with happiness and enrich the children’s imagination with colors of social circus pedagogy.
Sirkhane Social Circus School is carrying out activities in Turkey and Iraq. Children have opportunities to collaborate and form friendships with each other, beyond gender, social and cultural differences. In doing so, they manifest peace, harmony, open mindedness and cheerfulness in their local and global communities. Laughter is childhood, laughter is happiness.
Local Partners:
US Partner:
ARTogether is a resource center for the refugee community, providing free creative arts instruction and supplies within a setting that supports social gathering, human connection, and community-building.
ARTogether stands alone as the only creative arts program in the San Francisco Bay Area that specifically serves refugees. They strive to adapt to the special circumstances of the diverse groups that we work with.
Flying Carpet 2024 was financed by:
JSLH Foundation
Farhad and Nooshin Mohit
Merops Foundation
Individual donors, friends and family and:
Flying Carpet 2023 was financed by:
Merops Foundation
and incredible individual, friends and family
Flying Carpet 2022 was sponsored by:
Private Donors and
Flying Carpet 2021 was financed by:
Implemented by:
Flying Carpet 2019 was sponsored by:
Private Donors and
Flying Carpet 2018 was financed by:
Photo: Berna Küpeli
Family, Friends and Individual Supporters
Terry Riley
Chris Martin
David and Regan Harrington
Rainn Wilson
Nicky Nodjoumi
Aleksandra Vrebalov
Kinan Azmeh
Luciano Chessa
Schadab Foundation
MEROPS Foundation
Disco Tehran
JSLP Foundation
Farhad and Nooshin Mohit
Tides Foundation
Alton Aviation
Aaron Kierbel
Adam Cowburn
Adam Sensenbrenner
Alden Jenks
Alexis Hartley
Allison Pharr
Andrew Thurber
Andrew Topus
Angelia Flanagan
Annagreta Swanson
Arezoo Maleki
Arya Ghavamian
Avin Ahmadi
Bijan Amini
Carolyn Gordon
Céline Bulteau
Chris Stevenson
Danielle Harris
David Rimelis
David Welsh
Deirdre Harrison
Diana Skornicki
Donna Perry
Dorna Fatin
Elena Barquet Hornback
Elif Demir
Elizabeth Foster
Elizabeth Hall
Elizabeth Wayne
Emma MacKenzie
Gabrielle Tesfaye
Ghazalleh Moradi
Hamid Khani
Isabeau Lalonde
James Melchert
Janet Cowperthwaite
Janna Sumner
Jeffrey Anderle
Jennifer Ata
Jessica Hoffschneider
John Clay
John Cook
John King
Josephine Gandolfi
Joshua Perlstein
Julian MacQueen
Kady Hoffman
Kala Perkins
Karam Al Zouhir
Karen Bryant
Karin Ivancev
Kate Campbell
Katherine Relf-Canas
Kathleen Babcock
Kathleen Carolan
Kathleen Gerace
Kazem Almdari
Kelsey Heimerman
Khatchadour Khatchadourian
Kia Behnia
Kira Ricarte
Klara Kult
Kyle Hovatter
Laleh Shafiezadeh
Lauren Weinsier
Lawrence Rush
Leila Morshed Mohseni
Lekic Mirna
Liana Berube
Lillian J Olds
Lynne Einberg
Mansour Taeed
Marcia Curran
Maria Chessa
Maria Nardelli
Mark Machiz
Mark Rosenberg
Martin Jones
Matthew Washburn
Megan Hanson
Micaela Bottari
Michael Buehler
Michael Jennings
Michelle Kwon
Mona Baroudi
Monda Tajbakhsh
Nahal Farhi
Nasim Farzanizad
Nasrin Marzban
Natalie Cone
Nayereh Tohidi
Nazli Rahmanian
Neda Afsarmanesh
Nicholas Photinos
Nicole de Laharpe
Nichole S Neary
Nima Mirzad
Nina Marquez
Norman Behrendt
Patricia Lavelle
Paul Bergel
Paule Joseph
Pavel Kotov
Peggy Suzuki
Priscilla Stoyanof
Rachel Wortham
Rasa Mahmoudian
Roberta Hovatter
Roya Ebtehaj
Ruben Tenenbaum
Ryan Kelly
Ryan Shiver
Sahar Kian
Sahba Aminikia
Sahba Amjadi
Sally Russell
Sam Valenti
Samia Karimi
Sarah Cahill
Sarah McClean
Sébastien Coste
Shahin Milani
Shiva Hematyar
Siavosh Rezvan Behbahani
Simon Hirsch
Sina Mirzad
Sophie Halton
Stacy Frost
Stephan Heber
Susan Piatt
Suzanne Gagnon
Svetozar Ivanov
Talayeh Hamidya
Tanbir Johal
Taraneh Hemami
Thomas Chopp
Thomas Scott
Tolou Golkar
Travis Andrews
Vera Kachouh
Victoria Bryan
Yalda Niktafar
Zara Houshmand